This week you'll finally get a glimpse at the vision John had. We're taken to a heavenly "throne room" where John sees "the one on the throne" and a "slain lamb" (presumably God the Father and Christ the Son, respectively). The descriptions may reinforce or challenge your preconceived mental models of God and Christ. But one thing is for certain: John sees the way things are meant to be, all of creation rightly oriented toward God.
Day 1
Ezekiel 1, Isaiah 6, Daniel 4
Day 2
Revelation 4:1-11
RFNPch. 3, pg. 33-39 (stop at Enter theLionLamb section)
Day 3
Revelation 5:1-14
RFNP ch. 3, pg. 40-47 (rest of chapter)
Note: days 4-6 tiptoe into next week’s readings
Day 4
Revelation 6:1-17
RFNPch. 4, pg. 49-55 (stop at 144,000 section)
Day 5
Revelation 7:1-17
RFNPch. 4, pg. 55-57 (read section 144,000)
Day 6
Revelation 8:1
RFNPch. 4, pg. 57 (read section Summing Up the Seven Seals)
Study Guide Questions:
Compare and contrast Day 1 readings with Day 2. What do you notice? What do these similarities and differences teach us about the author of Revelation?
How would you describe the heavenly realm? What language, symbols, imagery from our modern culture shape your description?
What is your mental model of God? How does it hold up to John’s image in Rev. 4?
What is your mental model of Christ? How does it hold up to John’s image in Rev. 5?
Does your primary image of Christ emphasize his death or his resurrection? What image would you associate with either?