FirstKIDS Programming
First Church believes that all children are deeply spiritual beings capable of having deep relationships with God. Children are important to Jesus, not only as students to be taught, but also as teachers of those in their circle. First Church strives to raise our children up in the faith, equipping them to be Salt & Light.
Through all of our children’s programming at First Church, we use the A Time For Children model for growing our younger disciples, as originated by Rev. Dr. Leanne Hadley. At the core of this teaching model, children are taught that they are true blessings from God, blessed to be a blessing to all they meet. In addition, we strive to always connect with the heart of God, not just learn about God.
Grace program is made up of children in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade. Grace meets monthly between Labor Day and Memorial Day, usually on one Saturday evening a month, with a few exceptions. All elementary school children are welcome - church membership is not a requirement! Grace does several mission projects throughout the year.
We have Sunday School every Sunday, during the school year and during the summer. Come as you are, and join a class at 9:45am. In class, we learn about Jesus, study the Bible, and occasionally we throw in a party! Our Sunday School curriculum is from Sparkhouse, specifically the Holy Moly series which addresses stories with humor and fun activities in each lesson.
On Sunday mornings during the 11am worship service, we have Children’s Church for kids ages 3 through 1st grade. The children are encouraged to attend Big Church with their parents until the Young Disciples time, after which the kids of Children’s Church follow the leader to the Youth Room, where they remain for the rest of the service. Children’s Church involves a more active worship style, and interactive lessons related to the message of the day.
On Wednesday nights at 7-8:30pm, between Labor Day and Memorial Day, we have Club 3:16. This is our gathering of teens, pre-teens, and pre-pre-teens. We play games, do a little homework together, and enjoy each other’s company. Club 3:16 is our midweek touchpoint to be able to be with like-minded people of our faith.
Our Grace program is made up of children in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade. Grace meets monthly between Labor Day and Memorial Day, usually on one Saturday evening a month, with a few exceptions. All elementary school children are welcome - church membership is not a requirement! Grace does several mission projects throughout the year.
Vacation Bible School is our popular one-week program in mid-July that is an immersive expereince designed to connect children with God in a fun way. Our next VBS is July 10-14, 2023. Registration will open in June. We use Cokesbury curriculum for our VBS. Every child is invited to come to VBS, not just church members!
Vacation Bible School: July 10-14, 2023
Stay tuned througout the year for these special events, designed specifcally for our young disciples!
To learn more about our Children's Ministry programs or about how you can get involved in developing young disciples, please contact