
Worship With Us

At FUMC The Colony, we believe worship is a vital aspect of our spiritual formation. Gathering to celebrate together, pray together, lament together, sing, share songs of praise, and so much more helps us to stay connected as a congregation. In fact, the word "religion" (from the Latin word religio) literally means to "re-ligament" or "re-connect." No matter what brings you to us on a Sunday morning - the invitation from a friend, a major life change, trauma, or mere curiosity - we hope your participation in our worship services will be as inspiring to you as your presence is to us, connecting you with the divine and us to one another.

Our Sunday Worship Service begins at 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary of First UMC The Colony. If you can't make the service, make sure to connect with us online at www.fumctc.org or click on the link below.



Sacraments & Special Sundays

In the United Methodist Church, we believe that the Lord's Supper, instituted by Jesus before his death, conveys the real presence of Christ. Jesus promised to be with us always, even after His ascension and that presence is made real to us as we gather at the Communion table together. In the Methodist Church ALL PEOPLE are invited to the Lord's Table. Children, youth, adults; baptized, unbaptized; confirmed, not confirmed; believer or questioning your faith. The table is open to all! 

We celebrate Communion on the First Sunday of every month.

Baptism signifies a person's incorporation and adoption by God into the Christian faith family. In the United Methodist tradition, we believe that through baptism God's grace is extended to a person whether they are an adult, choosing to accept Christ in their life later in their years, or a child, whom the parents commit to raising in the Christian tradition. We believe that God does not discriminate on age nor does God revoke the grace bestowed in baptism. That's why we only baptize a person one time. Which means, that if you've already been baptized, you do not need to be baptized again (though there is an option to renew your baptismal vows).

If you have not been baptized but would like to be, we can arrange you or your child's baptism. And what that looks like is completely open.

For more information on Baptism contact our Senior Pastor.

ADVENT | The Christian litrugical Calednar technically begins with the season of Advent (the four weeks leading up to Christmas). During this season, FUMCTC decorates the church in, hosts an Angel Tree, as well as a litany of other holy (and fellowship focused) tradition. These four weeks are a vital time for us to prepare our hearts in expectant anticipation for the coming of the promised Immanuel, God with Us. 

LENT | Is the 40 days leading up to Easter. Mirroring the Hebrew peoples forty years in the wilderness, and then Jesus forty days in the desert prior to the start of his ministry, Lent is a solomen season of introspection and contemplation. It is a time where we intentionally scale back, practice detaching from those things that compete for our attention, and set our sights on the ways God might be bringing about new life (resurrection!).

EASTER | Easter is one of the Highest and Holiest days in the life of the Christian faith. On this Sunday, you can expect extra instrumentalists, Holy Communion, high church, praise and thanskgiving! 

CONFIRMATION SERVICE | Each year we graduate a class of confirmation students. Our our confirmation service we welcome the newest confirmands who openly profess their faith in Christ before the church. This service usually occurs in late Spring. 

BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS | Typically held in early Fall around the Feast of Saint Francis of Assissi, this outdoor pet-friendly, communion service is a time to celebrate the Divine presence in our life revealed through our pets. Bring your own Lawn Chair, your furry and scaly housemates, and enjoy this unique service. 

LAITY SUNDAY | Usually held in the Fall, Laity Sunday is a celebration of the Lay People who make up the church. That's right, the church isn't the church becuase of the Pastor, but becuase of the people who help make the church run. 

ALL SAINTS SUNDAY | Usually the First Sunday in November, All Saints Sunday is a service that celebrates all the Saints who have gone before us. In this service, we commemorate all the church members and/or their immediate family who have died in the previous year, while also holding space for all those greiving loss in their life. 

CHRISTMAS CANTATA | The Christmas Cantata is a traditon during the season of Advent. It's a great opportunity for the choir to showcase their gifts, and an even greater opportunity for you to join in for a short season! 

CHRISTMAS EVE | Every Christmas Eve FUMCTC hosts a family friendly service in the late afternoon with more traditional services in the evening, including Holy Communion and Candlelight. 

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