This Sunday, April 30th, we wrap up a short series called I Witness, in which we’ve explored a few of the experiences folks had of the risen Jesus’ after the resurrection.
We’ve looked at the story of Thomas who, (in my humble opinion) was unfairly deemed a doubter for merely wanting to have a personal encounter with the resurrected Lord. Last Sunday, we examined those disciples on the road to Emmaus; and I suggested that while there’s certainly a road to Emmaus – on which Jesus meet us, there’s also a road from Emmaus on which we embark to share our experiences.
This Sunday, we’ll look a little further ahead into the book of Acts (2:42-47). We pick up after Jesus has ascended and explore what the spiritual life of the first community of I Witness(es) looked like. That is, while we’ve been looking the personal journey our faith takes after the resurrection, we cannot ignore the communal aspect of our life together as the Body of Christ.
Acts 2:42-47 describes what this communal life looked like for the first ever church plant – of which some of the principles certainly hold true for us still today. And also, as people living life 2,000 years after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we’ve (hopefully!) grown and evolved in our faith such that the principles remain but in new manifestations.
For instance, Acts 2:42-47 does not describe an essential aspect of our life together today: service to others outside our community of faith.
In this week’s messenger, you’ll see some new opportunities to serve in the local community. Whether picking up donated groceries from Sprouts and delivering to the NTX Food Pantry; whether packing boxes of food at Children’s Hunger Fund; whether giving blood; or helping pack/deliver lunches during MissionTC, our service is yet another way we witness (see) and witness to (share) the love of God revealed in the resurrected Christ.
I pray you’ll join us in worship with an open hear, listening for the way God may be calling you to serve in this life after the resurrection.